Pendleton Chows


CH Pendleton St Pauli 'Pauli' x CH Cherier's The Chosen One 'Gabriel'

Breed: Chow Chow

Born: 12/19/14

12-19-14 Litter of 4 females born via (AACCC - Dr H Steyn) Pauli's first litter and due to the size of the puppies it was better to perform C-Section, re x-ray results. They were the yield of a TCI procedure and frozen semen. All are healthy and developing nicely, 3 red and 1 cinnamon girl. Three were placed with their new families and we kept one. As we get photos and updates we will make reports.

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Jasmine Green Tea x CH Rebelrun Thunder Road

Breed: Chow Chow

Born: 8/29/14

Only one red female puppy in this litter... sadly the other one we saw during ultrasound was not present at delivery time. Possibly naming her La Una and shortening that to Luna. At three days of age - not so important. This was a litter from CGR frozen semen bank - using method TCI and progesterone testing to monitor ovulation.

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Pendleton Jasmine Green Tea x Paramount Little Rascal at Fortune

Breed: Chow Chow

Born: 12/22/12

Bred at Advanced Animal Care Center of Colorado, Dr Heather Steyn - TCI after progesterone monitoring - produced 6 healthy puppies. Some may be for sale after they are 12-16 weeks old and we've had a chance to evaluate them. There are 3 males and 3 females.

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All six on day sixBoys on blanket 12-30-123 girls day 63 girls day 6Jazzie getting ready- nesting up a stormEvery puppy on - day one!Light male 8 wks_1Little girl 8wks photo 1Little girl 8wks photo 2Light male 8 wks_2Light male 8 wks_3Light male 8 wks_4 Big Boy 8 wks _1Big Boy 8 wks_2Big Boy 8wks_3Big Boy 8wks_4Big girl 8wks_1Big girl 8wks_2Big girl 8wks_3Big girl 8wks_4Light face girl 8wks_1light face girl 8wks_2Light face girl 8wks_3Light face girl 8wks_4Med Boy 8wks_1Med Boy 8wks_2Med Boy 8 wks_3

Ginger x Sheldon

Breed: Chow Chow

Born: 7/15/12

2 out of 3 dark red boys have made it into the world. They were born on 7-15-12 naturally. Ginger is an excellent mom and we will wean them at 5 weeks. We have one of the two males who we'd like to place. He is now 4 months old and has had his shots and is almost lead trained. He is an excellent companion and has high energy. He'd make a great addition to a family in Colorado so he wouldn't have to fly anywhere during the colder months. Call or email if you are interested.

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Mommy Ginger with her boys - 3 days oldNursery essentialsside by sidepuppy number 1 - larger by 3 oz at birthpuppy number 2 slightly smaller w shorter backDarker Red boy at 3 monthsDarker colored male at 4 months in the grooming roomHeadshot of Ginger's boy at 4 months Going for a walk w Dave.

Pendleton Sushi Sadie x Pendleton Riley OCannon

Breed: Chow Chow

Born: 8/22/11

Neither Dam nor Sire live here but were born here. This was their meeting place and their birth place at different times. Typically x-rays for OFA at 2 years. They both have fantasic temperaments and have created a wonderful litter. Thank you Erin & Cathi for working with us to make this possible. Sadie was from a litter of 5 and Riley was one of 3 brothers. Pups were born naturally in less than 2 hours, once she got into it! They all survived and Sadie was an excellent mom. There are 2 girls and 3 boys; all reds. From this litter we have Sheldon, CH Pendleton The Big Bang Theory, and his brothers Otis and Mufassa live in Colorado and his sisters Bella Ming Chow and Alice do, too. When we get photos, they will each have a page.

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Sadie and her blessingsI'm still panting, thought I was done!Today I am a Mom- wow!What's that spell?

Salma x Zin

Breed: Chow Chow

Born: 11/19/10

Salma x Zin delivery was a C section for these 2 boys. They nursed well and are growing like weeds. Getting weaned at 5 weeks and posing for pictures. Now they are learning about letting themsleves in and out of the doggie door. They sleep on a big pillow always together. Cute as can be. We'll get some current photos up this weekend.

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frick-n-frack dob 11/19/10Frick - 12-27-10 on the patiofrick-n-frack dob 11/19/10zin brothers @ 5 weeksFrack 12-27-10Frick 1-9-11 using the little tableFrick 1-9-11 upstairs - baiting fool Frick 1-9-11 off the tableFrack 1-9-11 freestackFrick at 4 months meeting his new parentalsNew family Walt & NancyFrick after his bath 3-7-11Frick is getting a bath today - OH NO!Frack 06-01-2011 brushed out, almost, on the tableFrack just keeps wagging his tail, it isn't gay. 06012011Frack now weighs about 40 pounds and is 6.5 months old

Dancee x Eddie

Breed: Chow Chow

Born: 8/15/10

3 RB + 3 RG

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Dancie x Eddie 2 girls @ 7 weeksMeet the world - they are 3 weeks old now Vito on the table 12-27-10Bailey (female) 1-1-11 littermate to Vito

Ginger x Zin

Breed: Chow Chow

Born: 6/25/10

3 males all red

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My three sons - 8 weeksWe'll call him SkywalkerF L to R - No 3,  No 1 and No 2You can't see me!  Puppy No 2Jin on 091110 w Carin in the shadeWalker on 12-5-10
"Who said you can't buy happiness, when you are thinking about puppies"
  - Gene Hill
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